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Thank you for your generosity! It takes all of us!
Have you noticed that some people scramble to get more and more, but actually find themselves receiving less and less? The Word of God teaches that a Kingdom-minded person, on the other hand, "gives freely, yet gains even more" (Proverbs 11:24). Here at Oakland, we understand that there are ways we will only experience God's blessing when we are generous people.
If you're part of our church family, we encourage you to offer your tithe to the Lord, that is, the first 10% of your income. Not only is this an act of obedience and recognition that it all belongs to God anyway, but it is a sign of faith that God will honor His promises! If you are not part of our church family, we encourage you to tithe to your church home, but you are welcome to invest financial donations into the ministry of Oakland if you feel led. Please note that all contributions are tax-deductible and given with the understanding that the church has full discretion over the use of donated funds.
Online giving is simple, secure, and quick. Click here to give via Oakland’s Church Center, where you can make a recurring gift or a one-time offering. You can give using your debit card, credit card, or ACH bank transfer. If it’s your first time using Oakland’s Church Center, our system will navigate you through the whole process.
Text-to-give! Simply text any dollar amount to 84321, and you’ll follow a quick, self-guided setup process to connect your cell phone to Oakland, your account, and a payment source. After that, donating is as easy as sending a text.
Click here to download a Direct Debit Payment Authorization Form. Simply fill it out and mail it back to us with a voided check at Oakland United Methodist Church, 1504 Bedford St, Johnstown, PA 15902.
You can give to Oakland using your bank’s online bill paying option. You can either call your bank and have them walk through you the setup process, or you can set up individual or recurring payments using your bank app on your smart device.
Feel free to mail your tithes and offerings to Oakland United Methodist Church at 1504 Bedford St, Johnstown, PA 15902.